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Legal Information

Brunner KG - Familie Brunner
Wildschönauerstraße, Niederau 206 A- 6314 Wildschönau/Tirol
Telephone: +43-5339-8247
Fax : +43-5339-82477
E-Mail : info(at)

Authorised representative: Margit Brunner
VAT identification number pursuant to Article 27a of the German VAT Act (UStG): ATU 58802709
Responsible for content pursuant to Article 6 of the German Interstate Media Services Agreement (MDStV): Margit Brunner

Chamber affiliation: WKO Fachgruppe Hotellerie: Gastgewerbe gem.Par.142 Abs.1 Zif.1-4 Gewo 1994, in der Betriebsart Hotel
Company register number: 135152d
GISA-number 22155092
Competent court of law: Landesgericht Innsbruck

EU Online Disput Resolution

Information on EU online dispute resolution: consumers are entitled to lodge complaints on the EU’s online dispute resolution platform. You may also direct any complaints to the email address given above.


Picture credits

Familie Brunner - Hotel Wastlhof, Tourismusverband Wildschönau, FG Hannes Dabernig, FG Gramann, FG Tijmen Schuil, FG Jurga Graf, FG L.S. Hochgründler

Liability Notice

Liability notice: We hereby expressly declare that, to the best of our knowledge, any links on this website were free of illegal content at the time of publication. We have no influence on the current and future design, the content, or the origin of linked pages. We therefore expressly distance ourselves from all content on linked pages that has been changed since the link was created. This applies to all links on this website. Liability for illegal, incorrect, or incomplete content, and in particular for damages resulting from the use or non-use of such provided information, is the sole responsibility of the provider of the linked site.


Data Protection

We take the protection of your personal data very seriously. We therefore process your data solely on the basis of statutory regulations (GDPR, German Telecommunications Act (TKG) 2003). This data protection information tells you about the most important aspects of data processing on our website. 

Detailed information can be found in our privacy statement